As you progress Town Hall to Town Hall the priorities are shifted slightly. But the biggest changes in the list come between Town Hall 7 and Town Hall 8. This is because you are going into a whole new world essentially. The players get stronger and you are only able to so far down in trophies to farm.
GOLD PRIORITIES: 1. SPLASH DAMAGE!!!! - When you get to Town Hall 8 your main and primary focus should be on getting those splash buildings maxed! When Mortars reach level 6 they deal a huge amount of damage and will one shot level 5 Archers and below. Level 6 Wizard Towers can take out large hordes of Goblins quickly when they are targeting Walls so they become essential in protecting resources.
2. SINGLE TARGET - The single target defenses can be a huge help in protecting Mortars when the troops are inside of their red range where they cant fire upon attackers. I feel that Cannons should be done first because they are cheaper and take less time. They can also pick up a little slack that comes without an Archer Tower. Then should be Archer Towers since they make a difference against Dragons especially when the attacker takes out your Air Defense. They are second because they are much more expensive, for example level 10 Cannons are 1.6 million gold but level 10 Archer Towers are 2.5 million gold. Archer Towers take one more day but with the new update some levels of Archer Towers had upgrade time reduced.
3. Air Defenses - Having strong Air Defenses becomes essential at higher levels of the game. Eventually you will begin to see mass Dragon attacks. But with strong Air Defenses those attacks can be averted because the attacker is worried about losing the Dragons too quickly.
4. Clan Castle - ALWAYS!!!! keep this as centralized as possible because this helps to take out attacking troops when your have troops in there. This baby becomes very helpful when centralized. If it covers your base then the troops can be deployed and do what they do.
5. Walls - some may disagree with my placement on priority list but i feel it to be the best. They can be upgraded at any time with an available builder. They are good to just put that extra gold into. Also strong Walls are a huge deterrent for attackers.
ELIXER PRIORITIES: 1.LAB - This should be first because this gives the capability to make your army stronger. In my opinion Strength > Quantity. Plus this will help to win attacks and gain trophies. This includes troop upgrades as well.
2.CAMPS - These should be second because they are essential once you have upgraded your troops. They can help with winning battles since you will have more troops. This can be a drawback if you have a perfect army composition but can also help so you can add more troops to it.
3. Spell Factory - Having an upgraded Spell Factory after upgrading spells help because you can have more spells to take out those Air Defenses (if using mass air), pesky Mortars (if using mostly Archers, or always dreaded Clan Castle reinforcements. Or if you have 49% then use them to take out a Builders Hut or Barracks.
4. Barracks - This is last because with all level 7 or 8 Barracks you can fill the queue for the maxed Army Camps (excluding level 8 camps). Also allows you to recruit new troops and muster a stronger army.
Hey guys and girls hope that you found this to be useful and learned something. Sorry about some of the elixer priority ones it is really late and well im just not with it today. May all your defenses and attacks be successful! CLASH ON!!!
Let's just get this out in the open: We are adjusting the available loot in battles.
DON'T PANIC. Deep breaths.
The loot system is a little bit complicated, so it will take a little wall of text to fully explain. If you just want the quick version, here you go:
We are making it easier to save up for big upgrades and purchases based on your Town Hall level. At the same time, we are allowing for more rewarding loot opportunities in battles by increasing limits on available loot based on defender Town Hall level.
If that's a good enough explanation for you, great! If not, don't worry. Read on, and we'll try to explain what this means in practice as best we can. We know that players love their loot and the Clash development team wants to be 100% transparent concerning the reasons and the exact numbers underlying this change. Be brave, Chief. The answers await you!
A Bit of Background
The current loot calculation system has been in place since the early days of Clash, where Town Hall level 8 was the highest Town Hall and storages held a maximum of 6 million Gold and 6 million Elixir. Since then, we've introduced two new Town Hall levels full of new buildings, units, upgrades, added Dark Elixir, Heroes, and much, much more. However, despite all of these new things to spend your resources on, the looting system has remained more or less unchanged and, frankly, has become somewhat out of date and out of balance with the increasing costs.
Common criticisms we've heard are that it becomes too hard to save up resources for a big purchases (Inferno Tower, anyone?), that there is not enough loot in battles and that the costs of maintaining an epic base and mighty army are too burdensome for even the most industrious of Chiefs. Put a simpler way, the further one goes in Clash, the slower and more expensive it gets, until some players reach a point where it can feel like they are stuck (or at least moving in slow motion).
To help address these issues, we are making a couple fundamental and important changes to the way available loot is calculated during an attack. With these changes, our objectives are to:
1) Make it easier to save up resources 2) Create more varied and, potentially, more rewarding loot opportunities in multiplayer 3) Provide a better tuned loot balance on offense and defense as players progress further in the game
How is available loot calculated?
The Clash of Clans loot system, at its core, boils down to two primary concepts:
1) A defender who gets raided never loses everything. 2) An attacker can only steal a limited amount of loot.
Let's say you are sitting on 1 million gold in your storages, but... Oh no, here come the goblins and you get completely wiped out! However, because "a defender who gets raided never loses everything," you don't lose all 1 million gold. Instead, you only lose 200k, which is 20% of your total. Another way we can say this is that there is a defensive loot percentage of 20%.
What if you are saving up for something big (like an Inferno Tower!), and you are sitting on 4 million gold instead? 20% would still be a HUGE amount to lose (800k gold)! However, because "an attacker can only steal a limited amount of loot," you still only lose 200k if you get wiped out, because loot is capped at 200k maximum. Another way we can say this is that there is a defensive loot cap of 200k. (Note that this limit can be exceeded if there are also resources left in collectors, but we will ignore that for now,)
The defensive loot percentage and defensive loot cap are the key concepts that determine available loot, and we have to keep them in a careful balance. The lower the loot percentage and loot cap, the easier it is to hold on to your savings, but the harder it is to get more resources through attacking.
Face it, Chief, Level 6 troops, X-Bows, Inferno Towers and Level 11 defensive upgrades do not come cheap. Of course, it is natural that better and better items come with higher price tags, but with a loot system tuned only up to Town Hall level 8, how will you meet these rising costs?
Two things would clearly help: making it easier to save up loot and winning more loot in your attacks. Furthermore, the higher your Town Hall level, the more you need to save and the more you need to loot to keep up with expenses. By changing the way the loot percentage works, we can better enable saving up loot. By changing the way the loot cap works, we can better enable diverse and rewarding loot opportunities in battle.
What are the exact changes?
Remember the two primary concepts:
1) A defender who gets raided never loses everything. 2) An attacker can only steal a limited amount of loot.
We are changing the available loot so that, when a village gets wiped out, the defender loses a lower percentage of everything they have, but the attacker is able to steal more of it in total, based on the defender's Town Hall level.
Starting from Town Hall level 6, every Town Hall upgrade will lower the loot percentage by 2% Gold and 2% Elixir when you are defending. This means you will lose 2% less Gold and 2% Elixir each time you are wiped out, thus making it easier and easier to hold on to resources as you level up. Let's look at a few examples:
If you have 1 million gold in your storages.... At Town Hall level 5 you will have 200k of your gold available to attackers (20%) At Town Hall level 6 you will have 180k of your gold available to attackers (18%) At Town Hall level 7 you will have 160k of your gold available to attackers (16%) At Town Hall level 8 you will have 140k of your gold available to attackers (14%) At Town Hall level 9 you will have 120k of your gold available to attackers (12%) At Town Hall level 10 you will have 100k of your gold available to attackers (10%)
If you're thinking, "That's no fair! TH10's will have it so easy!" hold on. You didn't let us finish.
Starting from Town Hall level 7, every Town Hall upgrade will also increase the loot cap by 50k Gold and 50k Elixir when you are defending. This means that attackers can potentially steal more in total from your storages when you get wiped out, depending on how full your storages are at the time. Let's look at a few more examples:
If a you have completely full gold storages.... At Town Hall level 6 you will have 200k of your gold available to attackers (standard cap) At Town Hall level 7 you will have 250k of your gold available to attackers (cap +50k) At Town Hall level 8 you will have 300k of your gold available to attackers (cap +100k) At Town Hall level 9 you will have 350k of your gold available to attackers (cap +150k) At Town Hall level 10 you will have 400k of your gold available to attackers (cap +200k)
Won't this mean lower level players will be picked on more?
Not at all. In fact, we are hoping for exactly the opposite. Currently, most players at Town Hall level 7 and above constantly see available loot hovering around a cap of 200k Gold and 200k Elixir. It is always that same boring 200k, no matter if they are at Town Hall level 7 trying to buy their first Hidden Tesla, or if they are at Town Hall level 10 trying to buy their first Inferno Tower.
After these adjustments, higher level opponents can provide much better loot opportunities (up to a cap of 400k). We are hoping that these better loot opportunities will incentivize all players at Town Hall 7 and above to attack other players at their level due to their higher potential loot payouts. The costs of higher level armies and spells can be better compensated by higher level opponents. At the same time, we hope that improving resource protection (down to a minimum percentage of 10%) will also reduce the hesitation and anxiety some players seem to feel when they are ready to upgrade to a higher Town Hall level, but fear that all of their looting opportunities will suddenly disappear.
What about existing loot penalties?
Currently, there is a loot penalty system in place that can modify the available loot based on the difference between the attacker and defender Town Hall levels. It was intended to discourage players at higher levels from picking on players at much lower levels by reducing the loot when the defender was at a lower Town Hall level, and increasing the loot when the defender was at a higher Town Hall level. However, this system is not ideal for a number of reasons and has, not unfairly, been criticized as "punishing players for progression."
We feel that the loot adjustments, as described above, are a better way of encouraging fair play and rewarding high level attacks, rather than the existing loot penalty based system. Therefore, we are removing loot cap increases based on an attacker being below a defender's Town Hall level.
Some examples will help here, too. In the old system, the situation looked like this:
(Old system) If a defender at Town Hall level 10 had 200k gold as available loot: An attacker at Town Hall level 10 would see 200k gold as available loot (no penalty) An attacker at Town Hall level 9 would see 220k gold as available loot (+10% loot increase) An attacker at Town Hall level 8 would see 300k gold as available loot (+50% loot increase)
The new system will be much simpler. Town Hall level differences are ignored when the attacker is below the defender's Town Hall level. Instead, higher town hall levels will naturally carry a higher loot cap, regardless of opponent.
(New system) If defender at Town Hall level 10 has 400k gold as available loot: An attacker at Town Hall level 10 will see 400k gold as available loot An attacker at Town Hall level 9 will see 400k gold as available loot An attacker at Town Hall level 8 will see 400k gold as available loot
Keep in mind, though, that loot decreases based on an attacker being above a defender's Town Hall level will remain unchanged in order to continue to better protect lower level players.
Clan War TH9 opoios thelei ayth prepei na kanoume kapoies mikre s allages
Αγαπητοί Clannies…
ReplyDeleteΜιας και πλησιάζω σε town hall Lv8, θα μπορούσε κανείς να μου υποδείξει ένα αμυντικό στήσιμο βάσης. (Lv8 Town Hall Base layout).
Περιμένω απαντήσεις σας!
Upgrade priorities at town hall 8
ReplyDeleteAs you progress Town Hall to Town Hall the priorities are shifted slightly. But the biggest changes in the list come between Town Hall 7 and Town Hall 8. This is because you are going into a whole new world essentially. The players get stronger and you are only able to so far down in trophies to farm.
1. SPLASH DAMAGE!!!! - When you get to Town Hall 8 your main and primary focus should be on getting those splash buildings maxed! When Mortars reach level 6 they deal a huge amount of damage and will one shot level 5 Archers and below. Level 6 Wizard Towers can take out large hordes of Goblins quickly when they are targeting Walls so they become essential in protecting resources.
2. SINGLE TARGET - The single target defenses can be a huge help in protecting Mortars when the troops are inside of their red range where they cant fire upon attackers. I feel that Cannons should be done first because they are cheaper and take less time. They can also pick up a little slack that comes without an Archer Tower. Then should be Archer Towers since they make a difference against Dragons especially when the attacker takes out your Air Defense. They are second because they are much more expensive, for example level 10 Cannons are 1.6 million gold but level 10 Archer Towers are 2.5 million gold. Archer Towers take one more day but with the new update some levels of Archer Towers had upgrade time reduced.
3. Air Defenses - Having strong Air Defenses becomes essential at higher levels of the game. Eventually you will begin to see mass Dragon attacks. But with strong Air Defenses those attacks can be averted because the attacker is worried about losing the Dragons too quickly.
4. Clan Castle - ALWAYS!!!! keep this as centralized as possible because this helps to take out attacking troops when your have troops in there. This baby becomes very helpful when centralized. If it covers your base then the troops can be deployed and do what they do.
5. Walls - some may disagree with my placement on priority list but i feel it to be the best. They can be upgraded at any time with an available builder. They are good to just put that extra gold into. Also strong Walls are a huge deterrent for attackers.
1.LAB - This should be first because this gives the capability to make your army stronger. In my opinion Strength > Quantity. Plus this will help to win attacks and gain trophies. This includes troop upgrades as well.
2.CAMPS - These should be second because they are essential once you have upgraded your troops. They can help with winning battles since you will have more troops. This can be a drawback if you have a perfect army composition but can also help so you can add more troops to it.
3. Spell Factory - Having an upgraded Spell Factory after upgrading spells help because you can have more spells to take out those Air Defenses (if using mass air), pesky Mortars (if using mostly Archers, or always dreaded Clan Castle reinforcements. Or if you have 49% then use them to take out a Builders Hut or Barracks.
4. Barracks - This is last because with all level 7 or 8 Barracks you can fill the queue for the maxed Army Camps (excluding level 8 camps). Also allows you to recruit new troops and muster a stronger army.
Hey guys and girls hope that you found this to be useful and learned something. Sorry about some of the elixer priority ones it is really late and well im just not with it today. May all your defenses and attacks be successful! CLASH ON!!!
ReplyDelete rixe mia matia edw anevase to sto blog also na paroyn idees ta paidia PsiPsinel
ReplyDeleteApo edo perno psipsi :))))
DeleteLet's just get this out in the open: We are adjusting the available loot in battles.
ReplyDeleteDON'T PANIC. Deep breaths.
The loot system is a little bit complicated, so it will take a little wall of text to fully explain. If you just want the quick version, here you go:
We are making it easier to save up for big upgrades and purchases based on your Town Hall level. At the same time, we are allowing for more rewarding loot opportunities in battles by increasing limits on available loot based on defender Town Hall level.
If that's a good enough explanation for you, great! If not, don't worry. Read on, and we'll try to explain what this means in practice as best we can. We know that players love their loot and the Clash development team wants to be 100% transparent concerning the reasons and the exact numbers underlying this change. Be brave, Chief. The answers await you!
A Bit of Background
The current loot calculation system has been in place since the early days of Clash, where Town Hall level 8 was the highest Town Hall and storages held a maximum of 6 million Gold and 6 million Elixir. Since then, we've introduced two new Town Hall levels full of new buildings, units, upgrades, added Dark Elixir, Heroes, and much, much more. However, despite all of these new things to spend your resources on, the looting system has remained more or less unchanged and, frankly, has become somewhat out of date and out of balance with the increasing costs.
Common criticisms we've heard are that it becomes too hard to save up resources for a big purchases (Inferno Tower, anyone?), that there is not enough loot in battles and that the costs of maintaining an epic base and mighty army are too burdensome for even the most industrious of Chiefs. Put a simpler way, the further one goes in Clash, the slower and more expensive it gets, until some players reach a point where it can feel like they are stuck (or at least moving in slow motion).
To help address these issues, we are making a couple fundamental and important changes to the way available loot is calculated during an attack. With these changes, our objectives are to:
1) Make it easier to save up resources
2) Create more varied and, potentially, more rewarding loot opportunities in multiplayer
3) Provide a better tuned loot balance on offense and defense as players progress further in the game
How is available loot calculated?
The Clash of Clans loot system, at its core, boils down to two primary concepts:
1) A defender who gets raided never loses everything.
2) An attacker can only steal a limited amount of loot.
Let's say you are sitting on 1 million gold in your storages, but... Oh no, here come the goblins and you get completely wiped out! However, because "a defender who gets raided never loses everything," you don't lose all 1 million gold. Instead, you only lose 200k, which is 20% of your total. Another way we can say this is that there is a defensive loot percentage of 20%.
What if you are saving up for something big (like an Inferno Tower!), and you are sitting on 4 million gold instead? 20% would still be a HUGE amount to lose (800k gold)! However, because "an attacker can only steal a limited amount of loot," you still only lose 200k if you get wiped out, because loot is capped at 200k maximum. Another way we can say this is that there is a defensive loot cap of 200k. (Note that this limit can be exceeded if there are also resources left in collectors, but we will ignore that for now,)
The defensive loot percentage and defensive loot cap are the key concepts that determine available loot, and we have to keep them in a careful balance. The lower the loot percentage and loot cap, the easier it is to hold on to your savings, but the harder it is to get more resources through attacking.
Why change the loot percentage and loot cap?
ReplyDeleteFace it, Chief, Level 6 troops, X-Bows, Inferno Towers and Level 11 defensive upgrades do not come cheap. Of course, it is natural that better and better items come with higher price tags, but with a loot system tuned only up to Town Hall level 8, how will you meet these rising costs?
Two things would clearly help: making it easier to save up loot and winning more loot in your attacks. Furthermore, the higher your Town Hall level, the more you need to save and the more you need to loot to keep up with expenses. By changing the way the loot percentage works, we can better enable saving up loot. By changing the way the loot cap works, we can better enable diverse and rewarding loot opportunities in battle.
What are the exact changes?
Remember the two primary concepts:
1) A defender who gets raided never loses everything.
2) An attacker can only steal a limited amount of loot.
We are changing the available loot so that, when a village gets wiped out, the defender loses a lower percentage of everything they have, but the attacker is able to steal more of it in total, based on the defender's Town Hall level.
Starting from Town Hall level 6, every Town Hall upgrade will lower the loot percentage by 2% Gold and 2% Elixir when you are defending. This means you will lose 2% less Gold and 2% Elixir each time you are wiped out, thus making it easier and easier to hold on to resources as you level up. Let's look at a few examples:
If you have 1 million gold in your storages....
At Town Hall level 5 you will have 200k of your gold available to attackers (20%)
At Town Hall level 6 you will have 180k of your gold available to attackers (18%)
At Town Hall level 7 you will have 160k of your gold available to attackers (16%)
At Town Hall level 8 you will have 140k of your gold available to attackers (14%)
At Town Hall level 9 you will have 120k of your gold available to attackers (12%)
At Town Hall level 10 you will have 100k of your gold available to attackers (10%)
If you're thinking, "That's no fair! TH10's will have it so easy!" hold on. You didn't let us finish.
Starting from Town Hall level 7, every Town Hall upgrade will also increase the loot cap by 50k Gold and 50k Elixir when you are defending. This means that attackers can potentially steal more in total from your storages when you get wiped out, depending on how full your storages are at the time. Let's look at a few more examples:
If a you have completely full gold storages....
At Town Hall level 6 you will have 200k of your gold available to attackers (standard cap)
At Town Hall level 7 you will have 250k of your gold available to attackers (cap +50k)
At Town Hall level 8 you will have 300k of your gold available to attackers (cap +100k)
At Town Hall level 9 you will have 350k of your gold available to attackers (cap +150k)
At Town Hall level 10 you will have 400k of your gold available to attackers (cap +200k)
Won't this mean lower level players will be picked on more?
ReplyDeleteNot at all. In fact, we are hoping for exactly the opposite. Currently, most players at Town Hall level 7 and above constantly see available loot hovering around a cap of 200k Gold and 200k Elixir. It is always that same boring 200k, no matter if they are at Town Hall level 7 trying to buy their first Hidden Tesla, or if they are at Town Hall level 10 trying to buy their first Inferno Tower.
After these adjustments, higher level opponents can provide much better loot opportunities (up to a cap of 400k). We are hoping that these better loot opportunities will incentivize all players at Town Hall 7 and above to attack other players at their level due to their higher potential loot payouts. The costs of higher level armies and spells can be better compensated by higher level opponents. At the same time, we hope that improving resource protection (down to a minimum percentage of 10%) will also reduce the hesitation and anxiety some players seem to feel when they are ready to upgrade to a higher Town Hall level, but fear that all of their looting opportunities will suddenly disappear.
What about existing loot penalties?
Currently, there is a loot penalty system in place that can modify the available loot based on the difference between the attacker and defender Town Hall levels. It was intended to discourage players at higher levels from picking on players at much lower levels by reducing the loot when the defender was at a lower Town Hall level, and increasing the loot when the defender was at a higher Town Hall level. However, this system is not ideal for a number of reasons and has, not unfairly, been criticized as "punishing players for progression."
We feel that the loot adjustments, as described above, are a better way of encouraging fair play and rewarding high level attacks, rather than the existing loot penalty based system. Therefore, we are removing loot cap increases based on an attacker being below a defender's Town Hall level.
Some examples will help here, too. In the old system, the situation looked like this:
(Old system) If a defender at Town Hall level 10 had 200k gold as available loot:
An attacker at Town Hall level 10 would see 200k gold as available loot (no penalty)
An attacker at Town Hall level 9 would see 220k gold as available loot (+10% loot increase)
An attacker at Town Hall level 8 would see 300k gold as available loot (+50% loot increase)
The new system will be much simpler. Town Hall level differences are ignored when the attacker is below the defender's Town Hall level. Instead, higher town hall levels will naturally carry a higher loot cap, regardless of opponent.
(New system) If defender at Town Hall level 10 has 400k gold as available loot:
An attacker at Town Hall level 10 will see 400k gold as available loot
An attacker at Town Hall level 9 will see 400k gold as available loot
An attacker at Town Hall level 8 will see 400k gold as available loot
Keep in mind, though, that loot decreases based on an attacker being above a defender's Town Hall level will remain unchanged in order to continue to better protect lower level players.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletegia farming base try this
ReplyDeleteTH 8 Farming
ReplyDeleteTH 8 Defense
ReplyDeleteTH7 Defense h se clan war
Clan War gia TH8
Clan War TH8
Clan War TH9
ReplyDelete opoios thelei ayth prepei na kanoume kapoies mikre s allages
Clan War th8
ReplyDelete ayto to plan alla thelw ta tesla opws einai se auto
TH8 farming